Nana’s Lap (book reviews)

What happens when a child accidentally follows the wrong mother?  They get lost, and if that mother is a mother bear then they have other problems as well. Blueberries for Sal is a book for young children and one that my grandmother read to me often.  It’s simple and a classic and one I enjoy reading to Abby over and over.

blueberriesOf course things are a little different today than when this book was written. Once when my nephew was about three he got lost in Walmart and they locked the doors while my frantic sister-in-law went ballistic.  We found him totally entranced in watching The Kentucky Headhunters music video.  He was unscathed but it took my sister-in-law hours to calm down.

Books for Nana….

I’ve found a new mystery writer that I am really enjoying reading. She’s not new, I just haven’t been aware of her until now. The author’s name is Laura Lippman and so far I’ve read four of her books. The Sugar House, In Big Trouble, In a Strange City and The Last Place.  The heroine of her books is a private eye named Tess. She’s gutsy, a little flakey at times and hangs out with some interesting characters.


I went to Ms. Lippman’s web site ( and I am working my way from her first book to her last. It’s fun getting to know the main character and watching her escapades.

It’s supposed to rain all weekend so it would be a good weekend for reading, except that Abby is here and most four year olds (she’s almost five) are not content to sit around the house and read all day. My guess is we will find some where to go and something to do!

Have a great weekend!


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One Comment

  1. I remember you reading Blueberries for Sal to us all the time when we were little! Still one of my favorite children’s books!

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