NanaHood Tornado Stories

I live in south central Kentucky and I am no stranger to tornadoes. When I was in second grade school was dismissed early because a twister was on the way (seems strange now, but that’s what they did). Anyway, my mother was out of town and they couldn’t reach my dad. The result was I was the only child left at school. My teacher, Miss Virginia, stayed with me. Finally my dad came and took me with him back to work. That event scarred me for life. I am terrified of storms.

Yesterday I watched the weather channel and saw one of the tornadoes that ripped through Alabama. It was the most horrific thing I have ever seen. Today my heart is heavy for all of those who lost loved ones and property.

Do you have a storm story to share? Whether it’s yesterdays storms or something that happened to you when you were a child. Tell us about it.

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  1. Where I live, we have only occasional tornadoes, but we pray our way through hurricane season. It’s so nerve-wracking, watching the storms and wondering whether to evacuate. Sometimes when we evacuate, it takes six hours to make one hour of progress. Still, having advance warning of our storms is better than being hit with devastation with very little advance notice. Condolences to all who suffered in the recent tornadoes.

  2. I live in a mobile home in GA. and late Wednesday evening we had to seek shelter in a motel. As we were returning home, we saw two news choppers hovering over the area we live in. I told my husband I didn’t like it and that it was creeping me out. The nearer we got to home, the more destruction we saw. We had to take a couple detours and dodge downed power lines and fallen trees. As we came up on the backside of the neighborhood, we saw many homes damaged and destroyed. We sucked in our breath even tighter, fearful that our home would be gone. Amazingly, our home was untouched! God spared our half of the neighborhood. Sadly, the other half was virtually destroyed. Many are homeless now. Reports came in of four adults and two children missing. The two children were found in a nearby field with scratches and bruise but okay. I haven’t heard if the adults have been found yet. A woman who is five months pregnant was pierced with sheet metal through her stomach and out her back. I’m praying her and her unborn child survived. A young woman caring for an elderly male invalid was found dead. Both her and her patient were killed. A convenience store, RV and Truck sales place and a forklift/salvage place were all demolished within two miles of my home. The Christian Women’s Center lost its roof. The battered women and children residing there all survived with minimal injuries. Our area was the hardest hit in the county I live in. This is the most devastating storm I’ve ever witnessed firsthand. Praise God it wasn’t any worse. My heart goes out to all who were affected by these storms. Prayers going up.

  3. My mom grew up in Kansas. They had their share of tornados and warnings. Her dad had arthritis bad so mom and her brother would go to the root cellar when the warnings came, not knowing if their parents would be still in the house and ok when they came out of the cellar. This gave mom an insecurity with all storms even through her adult life. I remember how agitated or worrried she’d get when there were storms when I was growing up. Somehow I picked up that fear. We learned to be prepared, we stayed away from windows in wind storms. I finally out grew that fear when I lived in New Mexico and there were frequent thunderstorms with rain in the summer. The first summer we were there, I was pregnant with our daughter. I’d get all uptight when the storms came and then baby would kick alot because I’d not be relaxed. Well, that cured me to the point of figuring out how to be more calm in the storm! Lots of praying and singing helped and it’s like life in general. We have storms that we meet and with God’s help we get through them, relying in another source to help us when we need it. And He’s always there in the good times! I am praying for the people in the path of the recent storms as well. So devastating!

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