NanaHood Myth Buster

There is a vicious myth out there that I must dispel. I don’t know how such falsehoods get started, but I wanted you to know the truth, and nothing but the truth.

Here’s the myth: NanaHood is just for grandmothers.

NO, NO, A THOUSAND TIMES NO. For some reason even some of my nearest and dearest friends (Debbie and Annette, shame on you) have bought into this idea and it just ain’t so!

Think carefully about this a minute. Does Wal-mart sell walls? Does K-mart sell Ks? Just because the name of the blog is NanaHood doesn’t mean you have to be a nana to join the site or visit!

Yes, I do write about grandparenting here (and love doing it), but I also write about parenting (for moms and dads) and about volunteering, pets, educational issues, etc.  A blog is a way to have a voice, sing a song, tell a story. Once I stopped writing “Kindred Spirits” for Kentucky Living (technically I suppose you could say they fired me, but stopped writing for them sounds so much nicer) I needed an outlet for my writing and thus, NanaHood was born.

I know that not everyone has bought into the NanaHood is just for nanas myth because I have some male friends who are fans. That’s right, even guys are lurking out in the NanaHood parking lot, smoking cigars or dipping snuff,  or whatever guys do. One gentleman was even brave enough to yell across a crowded gymnasium the other night (I go to a lot of ballgames). I could see him waving at me and yelling but I couldn’t understand him. Finally he stood up and yelled really loudly, “I love NanaHood!”

Now that’s a guy who is secure in his manhood. Not every male would be so brave. Thanks, Clay. I love your attitude!

So tell your friends (male and female) and your family (old or young) that you don’t have to be a nana to read NanaHood. You just have to be cool…..(I added that for son number two, the one that said NanaHood was a good idea because old folks needed something to do).

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