NanaHood Big Announcement

Or should I say a little announcement? Probably by now you have guessed. After all, this is NanaHood where we celebrate being grandparents.

My daughter and my son-in-law are going to have a baby!

This is Big sister and Big brother. Big Sister has her face painted. They were both excited when they were told the news but I dare say that Big Sister was more excited! She ran through the house screaming “We’re getting a baby sister!”

This will make 5 girls and 2 boys for Poppa and me to spoil. We are happy and looking forward to August when grandbaby number 7 arrives!

This is a blog hop and I would love for you to link up and leave a comment.

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  1. And congrats to you on your 13 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. That’s awesome! This makes 7 for me! Thank you so much commenting. Sorry I’m so slow getting back to you! Busy week!

  2. WOO HOO & CONGRATS, CONGRATS ON ANOTHER GRANDCHILD!!! So how many does that make??? Now I have four (4) children & 13 grandchildren & 3 great-grandchildren!!! Are you catchin’ up to me yet??? ~hehehe~ Just jokin’!!! Dang, we should rent a hall for my family at Christmas time! Bwahahahahahaha!!! BIG HUGS & CONGRATS AGAIN, NA NA …. HUGS, & I’m NaNee!!! bwahahaha

  3. Congrats!! That season has ended with our children and our grandchildren are not yet married so no new babies to celebrate at present. They grow up so very very fast!

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