I love animals. How about you?

When it comes to animals there are two kinds of people, those that love them and those that don’t. If you know me at all you know I am in the first category. Why else would I chase my daughter’s terriers in my Sunday–go-to-meeting clothes  all over the back yard? (She called and asked me to put them up)  Especially when they looked like this…


In case you can’t tell, that’s mud. Molly loves to root in the mud.

Recently I received a request for help from a worthwhile project.

The Shelter Pet Project, http://www.theshelterpetproject.org, a public service campaign from The Humane Society, Maddie’s Fund and the Ad Council, connect with bloggers and social media influencers like you. (Wow! they think I have influence…tee hee) I’m hoping you will be able to blog/post/tweet/shout from the rooftops about the new campaign aimed at getting folks to adopt a shelter or rescued pet versus buying one (http://prn.to/un9RJK). The main idea behind the campaign is that a person is the best thing to happen to a shelter pet. Be that person and adopt.

Like the Shelter Pet Project on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/shelterpetproject

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Watch YouTube videos http://www.youtube.com/theshelterpetproject

Share your love for animals and tell someone you know about this project!


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