How To Cure A Bad Mood

Have you ever had one of those mornings where nothing seems to go right?  One day this week every time I tried to do something it went wrong. As the day wore on my mood soured. All I could think about was getting home, closing my door and telling the world to go away.

I had one more stop to make after work and then I could go home. I found the house where a former student of mine lived and rang the door bell. She answered the door with a smile and asked me to come inside. In her arms was her baby girl who is only about four months old.

The baby was so sweet and I couldn’t resist asking if I could hold her. Jane (her mom) handed her to me and she snuggled up to me. I rubbed my cheek against her hair, held her close and guess what?  Suddenly I wasn’t in a bad mood anymore!

I think I have discovered a cure for bad moods and worries. Hold a baby in your arms. Sniff their sweet baby scent (unless they have a stinky diaper). Rub your cheek against their soft hair. It’s amazing how much better you will feel!

If you don’t have a baby handy, go visit someone who has one. They can have a break and you can be reminded of the tender, sweet feeling of holding a baby in your arms.

Dry babies off before cuddling or they might squirt out of your arms!
Dry babies off before cuddling or they might squirt out of your arms!

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