Girls and Their Hair

I distinctly remember going to the hospital to have my second child (our first was a boy) and on the way there I wished for a little girl.  I would have been just as happy with another boy (we had three more boys and I love ALL of them dearly), but I yearned for a daughter. I even imagined what she would look like. She would have big blue eyes and black, curly hair. She does have big beautiful eyes (but they are hazel) and her hair was dark, but just like her mom….there wasn’t a curl in sight!

As any mother knows once your baby is born and you see them, they could have purple hair or eyes and it wouldn’t matter! They are immediately the most beautiful baby in the world and without a doubt our daughter, Rachel Layne, was the answer to my prayers even though she didn’t have a curl on her head.

When I was young my mother worked and worked to get my straight hair to curl. I remember lots of stinky perms and hours with burning goop on my head. It made my hair fuzzy most of the time and curly some of the time but it was expensive, time consuming and stinky!

Rachel only had one perm before I gave up on the curls. I didn’t give up on hair ribbons though. I loved bows and would fasten them to her silky hair only to watch them slide out within minutes. Her hair was simply to fine to hold a ribbon in place.

Over the years I have watched her experiment with her hair (just like I did) . Usually she wore it long and straight and it was always beautiful, especially on her wedding day.

She went through a blonde period (just like I did).

Like I said before…straight, curly, blonde, brown, black or purple hair….it doesn’t matter to me. I love my daughter…not her hair.

Rachel’s daughter Kennedy is 8 months old and is just now getting enough hair that I can make a prediction.

It’s going to be light brown and it’s going to be curly.  If you look closely you can see that it is just a tad fuzzy. I also predict that she will spend years experimenting with it, cutting, coloring, bleaching and doing her best to make it look different. No matter what kind of hair God gives us we always think/hope we can make it look better.

I told Kennedy this morning that she was going to have beautiful golden curls that would look awesome with bows.  I also told her that hair doesn’t have anything to do with what matters-which is her character. In fact, some of the most beautiful women I know have been bald (at least for awhile).

Kennedy was impressed with my speech about beauty and hair.

Can’t you tell?


Like my Nana always told me, ” Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 30:31


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