Do You Have Eyes In The Back Of Your Head?

When I was a little girl I was convinced my mother had eyes in the back of her head. How else did she always know what I was up to?

This week my daughter Rachel was shopping with my granddaughter Abby.  It went something like this….

“Ray, Ray,” Abby said, “You have eyes in the back of your head.”

“No, I don’t,” Rachel said.

“Yes, you do. Your a mom.”

“No, sweetie. I’m not a mom yet,” Rachel answered.

Abby thought about this for a minute.

“Well, when you are a mom then you will grow some!”

So to all the moms and nanas out there, Happy New Year and be sure and schedule a visit with your optometrist this year. Your eyes are important, both sets….the one in the front of your head and the one in the back.


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  1. Mine still work even though my kids are grown. I guess it’s for grandkids and co workers now! We are expecting our grand son to be born any day now! I’d appreciate your prayers for a safe delivery for mom, Erin, and baby. Happy New Year!

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