Church Attendance and a Book Winner

Marla Y is the winner of the book giveaway! Congratulations, Marla!

I had a request for a repeat of a recipe I shared on NanaHood for mom’s Beef Stroganoff. Here’s the link. Hope you enjoy it as much as my family does.

Sunday Thoughts

Today our minister’s lesson was on church attendance. He was for it, of course. Just joking, all ministers are for it, but what about members and non-members?

Over the years I’ve heard this topic discussed often enough to know that there are lots of people who think that attending church isn’t necessary. Many of the folks who say this say that organized religion is not for them. They consider themselves to be religious but have not been inside a church for years.

If my mom told me once she told me a million times that Christians were to be at church every time the doors of the building were open. She said that to me so often that for many years I thought it was a Bible verse! Thou shalt be at church if the doors are open!

Each individual has to decide if church attendance is important to them. Here are some reasons why it’s important to me.

1. Why would Jesus go to the trouble to establish a church if attendance wasn’t important?

2. If you read the Bible, Old Testament and New Testament, it’s always been important for God’s people to assemble together. Why would it be any different today?

3. It helps me focus. I pray many times every day, but when I am at church I am really focused on worship.

4. It lifts me up. When I am with a group of believers and we are honoring God together I feel happiness and peace.

5. Church is where we train our children. Yes, we train them at home too, but Sunday school classes are important for children for many different reasons.

6. I get to hear what other people think about God’s word. If I always studied alone at home I wouldn’t know how other people study and praise God.

7. If I didn’t go to church I couldn’t partake of the Lord’s Supper with fellow Christians and I believe that the Lord’s Supper is God’s way of making sure we remember the importance of his son’s life, death and resurrection.

Keep in mind that when I talk about church attendance I know that it’s not the building that is important. We can meet in our homes, or wherever two or three are gathered, I know He is there. But most religious groups today meet in buildings on a regular basis, so for the purpose of this post I am referring to the church as a building.

So what about you? Is church attendance important to you? Why or why not?

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  1. I do believe attendance is important, but talking to God and having that relationship is just as important – and that can be done anywhere. I do find going regularly resets my week on a good note, personally. I love the sermons, the music, the message etc. Continued blessings!

    Thanks for the blog hop love by the way! I have a blog sharing page on my site if you want to add your badge for a chance to be profiled.

    Erica @ Calle Mami and Baby Gear Mom
    @callemami on twitter
    @babygearmom on twitter

  2. Well said, Teresa! One benefit I’d add is that sometimes I learn there of troubles and challenges of members, or members’ families and friends, that I would never have known about otherwise–and if I don’t know, I can’t do something to help, or at least pray about it…

  3. My family and I attend church on a regular basis. It’s something both my hubby and I have done b4 we were married, as children growing up. When I was young it seemed like we were there every time the church was open! But it can be a good thing! Good fellowship indeed! It’s part of our lives to worship God on Sunday. We live our lives for the Lord all week and church is a place to worship Him in song and by monetary offering. Jesus was found in the synagog on the Sabbath, where He read scripture. We should as well.

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