Children’s Books That You Can Win!

One night many years ago my husband and I decided we were over due a date night. The oldest children were more than capable of watching the little ones and so we went to the movies. Before we left we told them to call us only if there was an emergency. Unfortunately we forgot to define emergency. During the movie son number two called. I ran out into the lobby of the theater with my heart pounding. What was wrong? He wanted to know if he could eat a piece of the cake I made and had left sitting on the kitchen counter.

“This is not an emergency,” I said.

“Yes, it is,” he stated. “If I ate some and you had made the cake to take to someone else you would be mad at me.”

Hmmmm. He did have a good point.

How Back-Back Got His Name

The  “EEE-mergencyin this wonderful childrens book is not a human one; this problem belongs to a opossum named Plumpton.

I am a country girl and normally I am not a fan of ‘possums (that’s what we call them) but Plumpton and his friends are adorable. The illustrations are bright, colorful and the characters are entertaining. Plumpton and his friends encounter several “EEE-mergencies” before they finally succeed in solving the mystery of what happened to Plumpton’s back.

One of the best things about the book is the fun ideas included in the Extend the Learning and Activities pages at the end of the book.

The Megasaurus

This book also has fun learning activities in the back of the book. Both books were written by Thomas and Peter Weck; a father-son team who work together to help children foster a love for creating, reading and listening to stories.

This story is about a monster called a Megasaurus whose favorite food was beans. (None of my children liked beans when they were little. Where was this book then? I could have used it to help encourage them to eat beans before the Megasaurus got them!) Anyway, the tiny, little bean-shaped bears are going to be eaten if the King and his advisors can’t find a solution.

The message of the story is: Follow your convictions even when others think differently and without blowing the ending for you, they do solve their problem. Of course it’s the characters and what happens to them that make the story a very enjoyable ride.


You can buy either of these Lima Bear books for $15.95 from either Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

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