
The Importance of Brain Stimulation and Exercise

The Good, The Bad, and The Importance of Brain Stimulation and Exercise

The bad news is that more than half of us will suffer some form of dementia after age 85. The good news is that brain decline is not necessarily an inevitable part getting older. Many of us live into our 90s and even 100s with no symptoms of dementia. What makes the difference when it comes to brain stimulation? Lots of different things, but one of the most important is exercise.

Studies Prove Exercise is Essential

There was an important study done recently of 120 older adults and their brains to find out how important exercise was when it came to slowing down or holding off dementia. Of those 120 folks, half of them started a program of moderate aerobic exercise. They didn’t have personal trainers or join expensive health clubs, it was much simpler and cheaper than both those alternatives. Three days a week they went walking for about 45 minutes. After a year they looked at their brains again and the MRI scans showed that for those who exercised the volume of their brains actually increased! More tests showed that the increase in volume was directly connected to better memory.

No More Excuses

brain stimulation and exerciseI am the Queen of Excuses when it comes to exercising.

1. The treadmill is boring.

2. It’s winter so it’s too cold.

3. It’s spring and the pollen count is too high.

4. It’s summer so it’s too hot.

5. I’m too busy so I don’t have time.

You get the idea.

I have been doing better lately and after reading this article I am more determined than ever to keep moving! Not only will the spare tire around my middle from eating too many of Kelly’s brownies benefit from my walking, but my brain will too!

Now that’s what I call good news! Don’t you?

Do you exercise at least 3 or 4 times a week? Tell me what you do and how you stay active. I love your comments!

P.S. For those of you who know me and my excuses and don’t believe I have been on the treadmill…Here is proof!


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