Birthday Bash Giveaway #1

It’s time for our first giveaway of the day!  And we’re giving away a VERY fun “I SPY” quilt, made by Cheryl Booth (of Crafting With Mema “fame”).


Cheryl makes a lot of different kinds of quilts, but the I SPY quilt is sure to be a hit with the kids in your life.  It makes for a great rainy or snowy day activity, a great car activity, a great “let’s sit and be semi-quiet now because Mom has a headache” activity, and… well, it’s a great blanket too!  (Could I say “great” any more times, do you think?) All three of my kids enjoy playing the “I Spy” game with ours – even my three year old can play!  And my niece loves hers so much, she took it to school for show and tell!

So, to enter to win… all you have to do is leave a comment telling us WHO in YOUR life might like to play with this I SPY quilt. We’ll pick a random winner around 10 p.m. tonight.

See you again in an hour or so with our next party game!

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  1. My son and niece would both love this!!! It would just be perfect for all those long car rides we have to take because my town has nothing so we have to drive far just to do anything.

  2. My grandson, Jacob, would LOVE to play with this I SPY guilt! What a phenomenal idea! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANAHOOD!!!

  3. I know that my little boy Gideon would love to play with this quilt, he is ten months old and loves playing with the flowers on our quilt…and I spend a lot of time in bed being sick with his sibling that’s coming in a few months so I would love to have it!!!!

  4. I have three littles (Grace 5,Hadassah 3,and Gabriel 1) and I think they would love this blanket. Someday I would like to learn to quilt, but for right now I would love to win this blanket for my children. What a great idea!

  5. This would make a great gift for my grandson, Michael. His mother is newly pregnant and so nauseous, she spends a lot of time lying down. This would be great to entertain him!

  6. I have a Grandson due in 12 days who I am sure would love the quilt. His Dad is in the military so I will not get to see him often. I am trying to give him special things so he will remember his Nana even when we are far apart.

  7. I am quite sure that nine of my ten grands would love playing with the I spy quilt and the tenth who is a baby would love being wrapped up in it.

    My daughter who is 20 loves I spy too. When she moved out to live on her own she took all of her I spy books.

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