An unusual Christmas gift

If you are thinking of giving your grandchildren toys or sweaters this Christmas, you might want to think again. There is something else that might just prove more meaningful, last longer and it’s totally free. I’m talking about a blog at   Before you make up your mind read on.

Many grandmothers don’t live in close proximity to their grandchildren and children, so they can’t see them as often as they would like. While a blog doesn’t take the place of face to face communication it allows grandmothers a way to keep in touch. Grandmothers often find that their grandchildren communicate with them more often and to a greater degree on a blog than they do in person. Some of my friends barely know how to send an email and they have a fear of the Internet and technology. I tell them to think of a blog as an online scrapbook where they can post pictures and write to their friends and family. A blog is actually easier, faster and cheaper (it’s free at thenanablogs) and the best part is no matter how far away your friends and family are they can see it and respond within seconds.

Kids love texting, twittering and social networking. Why not meet them where they are? I’m betting that your grandchildren will get a real kick of Grandma bragging about them on her blog. It’s much easier than you think and you can upload pictures to share with each other. One grandmother views her grandchild’s art work on her blog. He sends her pictures and she’s created an online gallery to share his work. It’s just like posting their pictures on the refrigerator, it’s just a refrigerator door in cyber space!

Come on Grandma’s, Nanas, Moms, Dads, and Poppas. You can do it. It’s easy. It’s fun. It’s free and your grandchildren will love it. Think of it this way, you can post daily bits of your wit and wisdom. All the things you’ve told your children over the years you can now share with your grandchildren!

Go to and get started. If you get stuck, email us and we’ll help!

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