iPhone: So Simple a Six Year Old Can Use It

I got a new cell phone, an iPhone. I could hardly operate the other one, this one has lots more bells and whistles. So far, though, I’m doing pretty good. At least I thought I was until I looked at the phone one day and realized it had videos on it. I hadn’t made any videos, or at least I thought I hadn’t. I wondered if I’d videoed something accidentally. I handed the phone to my son’s girlfriend (I was driving at the time) and ask her if she would check to see what I had videoed. This is what she found….

Now if you listened very closely you probably heard my six year old granddaughter talking to God. Evidently she talks to him often because she begins by saying, “Hey, God.” She then goes on to ask for a boyfriend “like Justin Bieber or Edward.” The part where she puts her hand up and whispers is when she says “He has to be hot.” At the very end you hear a quick, “Thank you.”

Obviously I am proud of her technological skills (I don’t know how to use the video on my phone yet and I’ve had it for weeks) I am thrilled that the child is praying (sort of) but asking for a first grader asking for a hot boyfriend?

I remember having a crush on David Cassady of the Partridge Family (if you aren’t old you won’t know who he was) but I’m pretty sure I was at least ten or eleven.

I have watched the video at least 30 times and every time I watch it, I crack up laughing. She is one amazing little girl and so much fun! I can’t say that I’m crazy about Justin Beiber but when I look back at pictures of David Cassady, well let’s just say our tastes in men change over the years.

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  1. The iphone is super easy to use.

    I got my iphone when my granddaughter was a baby and by the time she was 8 months old she was watching her “babies” (videos and pictures of her).

    By the time she was a year, she was playing games on it. I downloaded a handful of toddler learning games for her.

    Now at 2, she knows her colors, shapes, can count to 20, knows the alphabet and can read short words. I’m betting a lot of that is due to being exposed to it at such an early age from playing those games on my phone.

    She also can easily make calls by herself on it which I have to watch carefully. I don’t think my doctor appreciated a call from a 2 year old.

    I loved David Cassidy too!

  2. Don’t worry. Her dad (my son) doesn’t take his eyes off her except when she’s in the bathroom (which is where she was when she did the video).

  3. Very funny. My oldest grandson was talking like that since he first laid eyes on girls. So did I.
    (and I had a serious secret crush on Susan Dey when I was 12)

  4. OOhmygosh! I laughed til I cried! I can’t believe she’s only 6 and already asking for a hot boyfriend. Like you, I think I was more like 10 or 11 before I thought about that kind of thng, but it was Bobby Sherman for me! LOL She’s just adorable… Has she seen the video and does she know you have?

    (Mrs B)

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