
Why You Should Hug Someone Today

Why you should hug someone today

There is a young lady who attends our church on Sunday nights with her grandmother. She’s 20 years old and was born with a disabling disease and has spent most of her life in a wheel chair. Every Sunday night after service we line up in front of this young woman for our hug.  She has a big smile and a hug for everyone.

Last Sunday I was leaving church and I was standing on the steps waiting for my husband. My uncle was standing near and we started to chat. Uncle Lee is one of the sweetest, kindest men I know but I’ve never seen him show affection in public. Out of the blue he said, “You know what I need?” I shook my head. “I need a hug.” I was more than happy to oblige.

My mom was shorter than me and when I hugged her my nose always went in the fluff of her dark hair. I can still remember what hugging her felt like and I still miss the feel of her arms around me.

When I hug my twins (they are six foot eight inches) I can place my head on their chest and hear the thump-thump of their hearts.

My granddaughter, Abby, is a good “hug giver.” She throws her whole body into it and when she gives me a hug she makes my day.

In conclusion I would have to say that hugging brings happiness.

My oldest son hugging and granddaughter hugging each other
My oldest son and granddaughter hugging each other

Medical Proof about the Benefits of a Hug

There is even medical proof that hugging is good for you! And here is one more article about the benefits of hugging.

Have you hugged someone today? If you haven’t, shouldn’t you?

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  1. you are the best, teresa! i love you and i love the gift you have for sharing memories. kate

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